On Wednesday May 31 the Kitchener-Waterloo (KW) District was fortunate to host Susan Safadi, who is a physiotherapist at Meridian Spine and Joint Physiotherapy in London Ontario. Susan holds a PhD in Biochemistry, is a New Balance fit specialist, and an avid short and long distance runner.  Susan travelled to the KW District to raise awareness about physiotherapy during National Physiotherapy Month and spoke to physiotherapists, other health care professionals, and members of the public who are interested in running or who treat running injuries.

Susan spoke with KW District members about running injuries, treatment strategies for runners, different kinds of footwear, coaching advice/tips and many other pearls for physiotherapists treating these endurance athletes!  As a New Balance representative, Susan brought many different kinds of running shoes to explain the differences and benefits of each shoe based on different running activities and injuries (i.e. stress fractures). Susan shared some clinical pearls about assessment ideas and how to optimize strength and endurance in these athletes.  An informative discussion and Q&A period followed.

Members who attended were fortunate to take part in free giveaways for National Physiotherapy Month including water bottles, therapy tape, socks, and more! Refreshments and food were available for all who attended.



2018-06-04T10:02:29-04:00July 14th, 2017|District Event|0 Comments